A practical hands-on guide for creating single-page applications (SPAs) and server-side rendering (SSR) applications using Composition API from Vue.js 3. The code repository of this course can be downloaded from github.com/lautiamkok/Advanced-Vue.js-Web-Development. If you are interested in this course, please contact me for the course guide, which is written in Markdown documents (PDFs are also provided). The course guide is £15 GBP/ $20 USD/ €18 EUR. You also can purchase this course guide through Payhip (note that the cost is slightly higher on Payhip).
In this course, you will learn to create routes, pages, layouts, components, composables, middleware, and Vuex stores in your Vue applications. You will also learn to mock data using Markdown documents and a REST API for your Vue.js applications; integrate your Vue.js projects with Windi CSS and Less CSS preprocessor; handle static and dynamic assets such as images and fonts; create a shopping cart system using Vuex; handle and validate forms. And lastly, you will learn to migrate to Nuxt 3 with Composition API from Vue.js 3, as well as using Vue.js 3 for WordPress and Vite for creating Vue.js 3 SSR and universal applications.
Create Vue.js applications using Vue CLI and Vite
Create routes, pages, and layouts with Vue Router
Create dynamic layouts with Vue Router, Mitt, and Vuex
Create a shopping cart system with Vuex
Lazy-load components and images
Auto-generate application routes from the file system
Auto-import components, composables, and APIs on-demand
Mock data and a REST API with Markdown documents
Use Windi CSS and Less in Vue.js applications
Handle static and dynamic assets
Create Vue.js applications for WordPress
Create Vue.js SSR applications with Vite SSR
Use WordPress as a headless CMS
Integrate Vite SSR with WordPress
Manage document head tags for SEO and Open Graph
Handle errors in Vue.js SPA and Vue.js SSR
Learn basic Nuxt.js 3 and handle errors in Nuxt.js applications
Chapter 1. Introducing Advanced Vue
Chapter 2. Managing Assets and Adding UI Frameworks
Chapter 3. Fetching Data and Creating Pages, Layouts, and Components
Chapter 4. Managing States
Chapter 5. Working with Forms
Chapter 6. Introducing Nuxt
Chapter 7. Integrating Vue with WordPress
Chapter 8. Introducing Vite & Vue SSR
Chapter 9. Going Further From Here
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© Lau Tiam Kok